Dearest Griffin,
I can not begin to describe the joy that you have brought to all of our lives over the past two years. In the next few weeks you will have a new brother or sister. Even though you will no longer be the only child, you will always be our first born. Thank you for allowing us to grow with you and learn many new lessons along the way. I am sure the road is about to get bumpy with the many changes that we are all about to face, but I just know with all of my heart that you will be the best big brother. You already have a little practice with Al-Dog. It didn't take you long to figure out the chain of command around here! I truly believe you are much more resilient than we realize. We are always very gentle when introducing change to your life and you always take it in stride. You are a very special little boy.
I love to watch you learn and grow everyday. You have such a cute little personality. You have a very strong will and spirit. Your sense of adventure is amazing to watch. You are often a bit of a challenge for all of us, but I would not trade this for the world. That is what makes You.... You! Everyday you do something that makes us wonder, how does he know that? You are so loved and I always want for you to know that! Thank you for breaking us in gently to parenthood. We had a pretty smooth first 2 years with you. I know that we have made a few mistakes and are certain to make many more. Just know that all that we want is for you to be safe and happy. I cherish all of the special moments that you and I have shared and look forward to a lifetime more of those individual moments with you. I will enjoy every second of the time that I have left with you as my only child. Always remember, "you are a good boy, you will do great things in this world. One day you will be a great husband and father." Keep those tight hugs and sweet kisses coming my way....
All my love,
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