I think that birthdays are very important. Everyone has one special day out of the entire year to celebrate life! When I was a child I celebrated my birthday for the month of May with celebration after celebration. Needless to say I am passing on the tradition to my children! We started singing "Happy birthday" to Griffin about a week ago. Saturday morning, the morning of his birthday party we gave him his new play kitchen. This was from MiMi and Big Poppa. Griffin loved it and has been cooking up a storm every since! It was really funny. He had on Kenton's Phillies baseball cap or "Dad-dee" or Griff calls it. All of a sudden he took off the cap and pretended in the sink to wash his hair. We were a little confused by this. We later put it all together. When Kenton fixes Griff's hair he wets it in the sink. Gotta love that boy!
Rosemary Focaccia
7 years ago
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