Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hunting for EGGS!

Kiddos lining up to hunt for eggs.

Griff and Da-dee checking out the loot.

Noah~ the candy loving host!

Griff hunting for eggs.

Griff had so much fun on the roller coaster in the Big Red Car.

Girls just want to have fun!

Satch chillin'

Brea~ the precious little hostess

Mommy fun

We had so much fun with Griff at an Easter Egg hunt with friends. Griff went to an egg hunt last year, but was too little to fully participate. This year was a different story. We simply showed him what to do once and he was all about it. He was running around the yard with his basket grabbing for eggs. Kenton and I had so much fun just watching him!

Thanks to the Vicknair's for hosting this fun little event. Precious kids, great food, and fun friends~ who can ask for more?!? Out of 9 children 7 of them were girls. Odds were looking pretty good in the Griff's favor! Oh yeah, one more thing.... Kenton was on cloud nine. His beloved Mountaineers won the divisional game to make it to the Final Four. Good times!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Note to my Unborn Child


In just a few more weeks we will finally meet face to face for the very first time. To be so loved before even laying eyes on you is truly an amazing thing! I enjoy the quiet time that I am able to spend with you. There is nothing greater than talking to you, and to know that you are right there with me listening. I love to feel you squirming around in my tummy. It lets me know that you are safe and warm with me. Someone once told me that it is much easier to take care of a baby while they are still on the inside and I would have to agree.

Daddy and I have been very busy getting everything ready for you. The only thing that I ask of you is to continue to grow big and strong! I love listening to your heartbeat at Dr. appointments. Your heart rate has stayed pretty consistent at 135 bpm. I had an appointment yesterday with an ultrasound. We were all a little shocked at how much you have already grown. At 34 weeks you are measuring 7.8 lbs and approximately 38 weeks. All I can say is WOW! In the ultrasound you sure looked pretty content in Mommy's tummy. You are moving all around and sucking your toes. You even had the hiccups while the camera was on you~ such a precious sight to see! You are already such a beautiful baby! Many people think that we are crazy for waiting to find out your sex, but we would not have it any other way. That makes our first meeting even more special!

Life is about to change for all of us. We are all eagerly anticipating your upcoming arrival. Just know that we already love you very much and can't wait to see you for the first time...

All my love,
and Daddy and Griff too!

A Note to my First Born Son

Dearest Griffin,

I can not begin to describe the joy that you have brought to all of our lives over the past two years. In the next few weeks you will have a new brother or sister. Even though you will no longer be the only child, you will always be our first born. Thank you for allowing us to grow with you and learn many new lessons along the way. I am sure the road is about to get bumpy with the many changes that we are all about to face, but I just know with all of my heart that you will be the best big brother. You already have a little practice with Al-Dog. It didn't take you long to figure out the chain of command around here! I truly believe you are much more resilient than we realize. We are always very gentle when introducing change to your life and you always take it in stride. You are a very special little boy.

I love to watch you learn and grow everyday. You have such a cute little personality. You have a very strong will and spirit. Your sense of adventure is amazing to watch. You are often a bit of a challenge for all of us, but I would not trade this for the world. That is what makes You.... You! Everyday you do something that makes us wonder, how does he know that? You are so loved and I always want for you to know that! Thank you for breaking us in gently to parenthood. We had a pretty smooth first 2 years with you. I know that we have made a few mistakes and are certain to make many more. Just know that all that we want is for you to be safe and happy. I cherish all of the special moments that you and I have shared and look forward to a lifetime more of those individual moments with you. I will enjoy every second of the time that I have left with you as my only child. Always remember, "you are a good boy, you will do great things in this world. One day you will be a great husband and father." Keep those tight hugs and sweet kisses coming my way....

All my love,

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reasons that I smile

This is just an example of Griffin and some his dance moves~ he likes to "get low"

Now that I are in the final stages of my pregnancy I am trying to hold very tight to all of the special moments that I have with Griffin. Here are a few of my recent favorites:

Griffin goes outside and picks wildflowers with MiMi and Poppa and brings them inside to Momma. Enough to make me melt EVERY TIME!

Griff LOVES the ladies. As soon as he sees a little girl he turns on the shine. He dances for them and loves to hug and kiss on them.

Our boy is a performer. He loves to sing and dance. He has watched The Wiggles so much he knows all of the choreography and loves to dance along.

Griffin's speech has improved dramatically in the past month. He enjoys naming off all of the kids in his class as well as his teachers names. He loves to single Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with hand motions, and likes to talk about animals and the sounds that they make.

He points to my belly and says "baby."

Griff loves to hang out in his new playroom. I constantly peek in on him. Most of the time I find him dancing to the music. If he notices me he usually pushes me out and shuts the door for a little privacy. Hello, he is TWO years old people!

The other morning I was leaving for work and he was staying home with MiMi and Big Pop. He was watching my every move. All of a sudden he started to tell me "bye-bye Momma" while blowing kisses. This does NOT make it easy for a Momma to walk out the door for work!

I love when he his an overwhelming urge for hugs and kisses and will not take no for an answer. He wants a little love and wants it now!

Recently he has been grabbing for me at bedtime. Typically we just walk him in and put him down, but as of late he wants a little more attention. I rock him for a bit before putting him down. I need this just as much as he does. Our nightly ritual includes "Now I lay me down to sleep," and I also tell him "You are a good boy, you will do great things in this world, you will be a good man, husband, and father one day."

Boucherie~ It's a "family tradition"

Last weekend my Uncle Alvin and Aunt Bonnie celebrated their wedding anniversary. They certainly know how to throw a party. The party started on Thursday and continued well into Sunday. Griff went on his first trip without Mommy and Daddy. MiMi and Pop took Griff with them in the RV on Thursday. This gave Kenton and I a weekend to get things at home in place for Baby Schaff. I kept in very close touch with MiMi on what The Griff was up to. He really enjoyed hanging out with all of his cousins. He was able to see in real life several farm animals. He has been talking about pigs, horses, cows, dogs, and cats since he has returned home. He obviously enjoyed himself and I had his dirty clothes to prove it! He did a whole lot of playing outside, chasing the girls around, and dancing!

On Sunday we drove up to Tylertown, Ms to enjoy the boucherie and to pick up Griffin. It was amazing when I first saw him. He truly seemed to have grown into a little boy in the few days away from us. On Sunday afternoon he was ALL ABOUT his "Da-dee." We enjoyed good food and family time.

Showered with Love

My life is very rich and blessed with wonderful friends and family. I was a little skeptical of having another baby shower. Everyone was very generous the first time around that it just didn't feel right. However, I think that each baby should have his/her own party. Some of my wonderful friends were generous enough to host a luncheon for me in honor of Baby Schaff. The invitation stated no gifts, but you know how that goes. It was very nice to hang around the kitchen and share baby stories with the ladies. The food was wonderful and the friendship was even better. Thanks and love to all who were in attendance!