This is just an example of Griffin and some his dance moves~ he likes to "get low"

Now that I are in the final stages of my pregnancy I am trying to hold very tight to all of the special moments that I have with Griffin. Here are a few of my recent favorites:
Griffin goes outside and picks wildflowers with MiMi and Poppa and brings them inside to Momma. Enough to make me melt EVERY TIME!
Griff LOVES the ladies. As soon as he sees a little girl he turns on the shine. He dances for them and loves to hug and kiss on them.
Our boy is a performer. He loves to sing and dance. He has watched The Wiggles so much he knows all of the choreography and loves to dance along.
Griffin's speech has improved dramatically in the past month. He enjoys naming off all of the kids in his class as well as his teachers names. He loves to single Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with hand motions, and likes to talk about animals and the sounds that they make.
He points to my belly and says "baby."
Griff loves to hang out in his new playroom. I constantly peek in on him. Most of the time I find him dancing to the music. If he notices me he usually pushes me out and shuts the door for a little privacy. Hello, he is TWO years old people!
The other morning I was leaving for work and he was staying home with MiMi and Big Pop. He was watching my every move. All of a sudden he started to tell me "bye-bye Momma" while blowing kisses. This does NOT make it easy for a Momma to walk out the door for work!
I love when he his an overwhelming urge for hugs and kisses and will not take no for an answer. He wants a little love and wants it now!
Recently he has been grabbing for me at bedtime. Typically we just walk him in and put him down, but as of late he wants a little more attention. I rock him for a bit before putting him down. I need this just as much as he does. Our nightly ritual includes "Now I lay me down to sleep," and I also tell him "You are a good boy, you will do great things in this world, you will be a good man, husband, and father one day."