This was his expression when he saw his first float
Griff and Ma-ma
Put those hands up!
Griff and his da-dee
My beautiful baby
Success~ a tired baby. He fell asleep as soon as we got to the car.
Parade #2 2010
Our growing family
Highlight of the day~ playing with cups.
This is the one time of the year that we REALLY miss living in the blue house uptown. There was nothing like walking a few blocks and catching all of the parades. We could come and go as we pleased with a bathroom in close proximity. We didn't have to plan the day we were just smack dab in the middle of the action!
Now that we live in the suburbs Mardi Gras takes a bit more effort and planning. We made it out to 2 parades this year. We took Griffin to parades last year, but he was still really too young to "get it." I can say that this year he "got it." As soon as the first float headed our way his face lit up and his hands automatically waved in the air. I guess you are just born with the Mardi Gras spirit. He truly enjoyed the floats and bands, but HATED the fact that he was confined. He didn't want to be in his stroller and he did not want to be held. He just couldn't understand why he couldn't just run around like a wild man. Needless to say we had issues.
We tried it again and took him out to another parade. We wanted to get out of the house for a couple of hours and didn't intent to stay out very long. The day started out great. We parked at Kenton's office building and walked 2 blocks to St. Charles Ave. Griffin started out great in his stroller. The parade was delayed and he got a little restless. Once we took him out of the stroller it was much like our first parade experience. He just wanted to run around unattended. After a little tough love we got him back into his stroller and he stayed there for the majority of the parade. It was kinda cute. You could tell that he was made at us and he wouldn't look at us when we talked to him.
Next year G will be a little older and I think will enjoy himself to the fullest and the baby will still be little enough to be held. We are looking forward to it!
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