I asked Griff to put away his clothes. This is where he put it.
Helping out around the house.
Mr. I can cut my own food.
Big boy breakfast at his table.
Here are a few pictures from an afternoon at the park.
Yeah, yeah, I know. Griffin will be turning 2 in about a week or so so this post is quite late. What can I say folks in 66 days or less I am having a baby. My creative juices are NOT at an all time high, I am in survival mode!
Now let's get to Griffin. This month was pretty rough. As I referenced in my last post we were pretty down and out for half of the month. I am happy to say that everyone seems to be feeling better. Once Griffin started feeling better he was a bit of a handful. He didn't go to school for almost 3 weeks because he was sick and also because MiMi was staying with us. Needless to say our first day back to the "real world" was quite traumatic for all parties involved. He refused to get dressed and also refused to get into his car seat. By the time we were driving away from the house I had tears in my eye and sweat rolling down my face. We have always held to a pretty tight schedule with Griffin and now I see the benefits of routine. It took a few days to get back on track.
This month Griff really improved in the speech department. I was not the only one to notice. His speech teacher Ms. S is also so proud of him! She called me after a few of their sessions and is so excited about his progress. A few new words: please (peas), guitar (tar), Liam (his favorite friend from school) and go away. Actually he just told me to go away because I tried to take something away from him. I guess you can say that is also his first word combination. I guess sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. :)
This month came with many challenges. Griffin is now into showing his independence. This of course is such a tricky situation for a parent. You never want to crush the child's spirit, but you also don't want "that kid." He now regularly throws full blown tantrums. These are never fun and we are learning ways to deal with it. Griff also believe that he too big for a high chair and HATES to be confined. He now has breakfast daily at his little table. Last weekend he went out with Kenton for a haircut and lunch. Kenton told me that he refused the high chair in the restaurant and sat in a big chair just like his Daddy. We have since gone out to dinner as a family and he did the same thing again. It is funny to watch because he mimics everything that we do. He goes for the utensils and tries to cut up his food like I do. He also insists on having a napkin and putting it on his own lap. Good manners truly starts at a young age.
I can't believe that my baby will be 2 years old in 10 days and will be a big brother in 66 or so days. We are just trying to soak in our last days with him as an only child.
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