Dirty face from all of his hard work.
Studying his mentor's work.
Griff must have been on a break.
Just me and my dad...
Measuring on the tape measure
Griff~ king of his castle!
Finally, spring is in the air! We have many projects going on right now at our house. We are trying to get things together before the birth of our little Peanut. Currently on the agenda we are having a fence installed. Last week the brick posts were installed. Tomorrow the brick guys are coming one last time to tie up a few odds and ends. Due to the crazy snowstorms in the North our fence has been a little delayed in getting to us. It may or may not have been shipped out on Friday. The deadline for the fence project that I had in my head was this upcoming weekend. Boy, are we going to cut this one close! Tio Juan, (my brother) along with his assistant (MiMi Kat) scored and stained the concrete on the patio. This weekend Kenton started to put together Griffin's outdoor play set. We have had it since Christmas, but this was the "chosen" weekend to start the project. According to the instructional video, yes this beast comes with a VIDEO, claims that it is about 31 man hours of work to assemble. Kenton worked on it all day yesterday and Big Pop came over and was his co-captain today.
Today we spent the afternoon in the back yard. The guys worked on the project, I worked in the garden, and MiMi ran around with Griff. Griff was so excited when he realized that his new play set had a picnic table. He sat and enjoyed his juice and snacks at his new table. Once they installed the ladder to get to the 2nd floor he could not be held back. He climbed up the ladder and was SO excited. The look on his face was enough to melt all of us. He sat up there with Kenton for the longest time "helping" out.
I am so excited about our back yard. I just know exactly where we will be spending the majority of our time during the warm months!