After (yes, those are still tears because I took away the hair covered lollipop)
Once again Griffin went from baby to boy in seconds. It was time for the dreaded haircut. I will admit that I had high anxiety taking him in because of how upset he was with the last haircut. I was flying solo this time around and was unsure if I would be able to handle it. I am very happy to say that he was much better with this haircut than the last. I am not saying that it was fun and games, but it was better. The end result had us both covered in snot, hair, tears, and lollipop! The best part of it all was we were back in the car in 8,yes you heard me, 8 minutes! The lady is very fast and firm with him. After it is all said and done he is such a handsome little guy. I took before and after pics because I didn't know if I would be able to get any inbetween. Luckily I was able to snap a few in the middle...
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