Just wanted to share a few of the random and totally adorable things that I am able to experience every day with Griffin. You have to love him!!
*Last night in the bath tub Griffin got on all "4's" to drink the water like his big brother Al-THE DOG!
*Griffin has really been showing off his independence lately. This morning I finished a batch of his clothes and I needed to transfer to the dryer. He was more than willing to help Mommy out with the task. I handed him his clothes one piece at a time so he could throw it into the dryer. He eagerly stayed on task until I handed him one of his socks. Those of you who follow along KNOW that the boy loves socks and shoes. This totally threw him off! He sat down to put on his wet sock. When I finally got him back on task he finished loading the dryer. I told him to "close it" so he did. He then changed the dial and pressed start. We were both so proud of his accomplishments that we had a moment in the utility room with a round of high 5's for all!
*Last night I had to go to a Homeowners Association meeting. My wonderful friend Meredeth (Auntie M) was kind enough to help out with Griffin in my absence. I didn't want to upset the little guy so I crept out of the house while he was playing. She said that it took a few minutes before he went to my bedroom calling for "Al?" He searched for Al throughout the house calling for him. Then he went to the door still calling Al? He was clearly looking for me, but instead calling Al who was following him around the entire time?
*This morning Griffin broke Mommy rule #1. WE SLEEP UNTIL 7:00AM AT THE SCHAFF HOUSE!! At 6:30 I heard the little guy calling once again NOT for Mommy, but for Al. Did he really expect Al the dog to save him from his crib???
*The other day at daycare while dropping him off I walked in with him and was talking to his teacher. In one second flat I heard him in hysterics on the floor. Apparently one of his classmates liked Griffin's red Crocks. His classmate tackled Griffin to the ground and jacked Griffin of his beloved Crocks! As we all know about Griffin and his shoe fetish~ this did not fly with the little guy! Griffin's teacher, Miss S, rescued G's shoe and after that all was good in the world!
*Now to go back to Griffin and his new found independence. Last night I was chatting in the kitchen before the neighborhood meeting with a few friends. Griffin was MIA for a minute. I went into his playroom to find him. He turned on the TV and DVD player and was dancing to the Wiggles with the door closed. I thought okay I will give the little guy some space, but let's keep the door open please. As soon as I walked away I heard click. He waited just long enough to close the door again. I opened the door and we repeated the process several times. Every time that I checked on him he was either dancing, standing and just watching the Wiggles, or sitting on the floor and reading a book. I guess Griffin just wanted a little peace and quiet which I can totally understand!