Monday, May 13, 2013

Cohen Jacob 11 months

Dear Cohen,

I am afraid to blink.  You are one month shy of a year.  Say it isn't so.... As my baby each and every milestone will be so bitter sweet.  Be gentle with me sweet boy.  You have had my heart from even before I knew your name.  

You are so much fun!  You are all over the place, rough, loud, and bossy!  You may be small, but you make your presence known.  I love your style baby boy!

You are a great eater.  You pretty much eat whatever we put in front of you.  Your teeth have gotten you in a bit of trouble.  Due to a few "biting" incidents we are beginning to wean from nursing.  Sniff.  You are down to only nursing at night.  Soon enough that will also come to an end.  I think you will be okay with it.  Me?  I'm not so sure.  

You love to play.  You play well with toys and people.  Would you believe me if I told you that you already like to play ball?  Well, you sure do.  When I sit on the floor with you I roll the ball to you and you throw it back to me.  I videoed us playing ball last week.  You are quite impressive if I do say so myself!

This next month will be rough on me.  So I would appreciate if you were extra sweet to me.  I would appreciate double the snuggles, triple the kisses, and a hearty portion of squeezes.  Before I know it you will be blowing out your candles at your first birthday.

The past 11 months have been a joy.  I love you so very much.  We all do.  Your smile lights up the world and your personality brings so much joy!

As always, "you are a good boy and will do GREAT things in this world.
All my love,

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