Sunday, May 19, 2013

Griffin PreK-4

Dear Griffin,

We are so VERY proud of you.  You had an amazing year in PreK-4.  I can not even begin to tell you how much you have grown over the course of this year.  Your level of maturity, confidence, and ability has grown leaps and bounds and exceeded our wildest dreams.  Go Griffin GO!

You are a great student.  You never complained a single day to go to school.  You loved your teachers and your classmates.  You are so smart.  You tested at the end of 1st grade for your reading.  Can you say WOW?!?  One day you picked up a book and just started reading.  I pray that you always keep this deep desire to learn.

While your academic strides are impressive I am most impressed with your heart.  You love and respect people.  You are so kind and your heart is beautiful.

I took this photograph of you on your first day of school.  You were so meek and not quite sure of your self.

Here is the photograph that I took on your last day of school.  You are no longer that meek little boy.  Your confidence is soaring.

Isn't it crazy the difference that ONE school year makes?

We are so proud of you sweet boy and look forward to a fun filled summer with you.  You will be attending a summer reading camp and will be able to catch up with some of your classmates.  Other than that our summer will be spent enjoying fun, family, and friends!  You are a good boy and will do great things in this world...

All my love,

Monday, May 13, 2013

Cohen Jacob 11 months

Dear Cohen,

I am afraid to blink.  You are one month shy of a year.  Say it isn't so.... As my baby each and every milestone will be so bitter sweet.  Be gentle with me sweet boy.  You have had my heart from even before I knew your name.  

You are so much fun!  You are all over the place, rough, loud, and bossy!  You may be small, but you make your presence known.  I love your style baby boy!

You are a great eater.  You pretty much eat whatever we put in front of you.  Your teeth have gotten you in a bit of trouble.  Due to a few "biting" incidents we are beginning to wean from nursing.  Sniff.  You are down to only nursing at night.  Soon enough that will also come to an end.  I think you will be okay with it.  Me?  I'm not so sure.  

You love to play.  You play well with toys and people.  Would you believe me if I told you that you already like to play ball?  Well, you sure do.  When I sit on the floor with you I roll the ball to you and you throw it back to me.  I videoed us playing ball last week.  You are quite impressive if I do say so myself!

This next month will be rough on me.  So I would appreciate if you were extra sweet to me.  I would appreciate double the snuggles, triple the kisses, and a hearty portion of squeezes.  Before I know it you will be blowing out your candles at your first birthday.

The past 11 months have been a joy.  I love you so very much.  We all do.  Your smile lights up the world and your personality brings so much joy!

As always, "you are a good boy and will do GREAT things in this world.
All my love,