I really wish that I could slow down the hands of time! Roman is already 4 month old. This has been a month of changes for the little guy. All of a sudden he went from "fat and happy" to a little roly poly! He is all about moving right now. Soon enough he will be crawling and as we all know that is when the fun really begins.
Here are the stats from his 4 month well baby check up. He is weighing in at 19 lbs. (95%) He is 26 inches. (75-90%) Did this child really grow 6 inches in 4 months?!? His head is also in the 95%. When I look at my beautiful baby I truly see the "healthiest" looking baby that I have ever seen! I believe that many will agree with me on this statement.
Roman has found his hands and thinks that they are WAY-COOL! He is grasping objects and sucking his thumb. Yes, sucking his thumb TODAY is adorable. However, still sucking his thumb at 12 is not. I'm trying my hardest to replace his thumb with a pacifier. He pretty much thinks that the "ayia" is yucky and spits it out, but I still try!
Roman is s a wonderful baby. He is very happy and loves to laugh and talk. His giggles will melt you. They are intoxicating and I can't get enough of 'em! He still loves to be held, but spends time in his bouncy seat and activity mat on the floor. We seem to be going through a "phase" (and I pray that it is a short one) with his night time sleeping. He is not sleeping as well at night as he used to. He will go nights at a time of waking up 4-6 times throughout the night. Needless to say that makes for a very sleepy mommy. I will continue to justify it by saying that he just loves me so much and wants to spend time with me 24/7. It is my world so just go with it people!
Life is still hectic and crazy. We have our good and bad days, but I would not trade a minute of it. I want to savor ever last moment of being a mommy to my little boysies!
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