Kenton and I made a rule early on in our marriage. I believe this was before we even had children. The rule read as follows: NO kids sleeping in our bed. To date this has worked out very well for us. We love our children to pieces, but love them even more while they sleep in their own beds. I believe that this has not been an issue because we still have Griffin in his cage, I mean baby bed. To our delight and disbelief he has never taken the plunge overboard. Actually, he really likes his bed. It is the only place that he has ever really slept.... until last night.
Here is a basic break down of the events of last night.
1:09am: I heard something in the baby monitor. The monitor is in Roman's room. I heard, "Da-yee.....Daaaaaa-yeeeeeeee......DAAAAAA-YEEEEEEEE.......DIAPER. This child has learned that anytime he says the word diaper or poo-poo it sets us off in a sprint! I rushed over to his room to find Griffin in his baby bed with his jammies around his ankles with his diaper in his hand. Luckily it did not have poo-poo. I believe he just threw "diaper" in for dramatic effect. Side note~Griffin NEVER wakes up in the middle of the night. He woke up once last week because of a dream, but otherwise I can not remember the last time he woke up before that. So it is 1am and I have a naked kid what should I do? I picked him up and dropped him in our bed and ran to get a diaper. I returned to bed, changed his diaper, and realized that he was WIDE AWAKE. Okay, now what do I do? Out of pure laziness I let him stay in our bed. Don't judge~ I knew that I would be waking up again soon enough! It probably took him about an hour to get back to sleep.
2:30am: Roman wakes up to eat. Typically I take Roman back to our bed to feed him then return him to his bed once he is finished. Problem! Griffin is already in our bed. Solution~ feed Roman in the rocker and return him to his bed around 3am.
4:00am: Griff starts thrashing in his sleep and kicking the covers off of me and Kenton. As I am laying there with not much room to spare I then realize that we were onto something with that "NO kids in the bed rule."
5:00am: Kenton wakes up and is startled by the shape of another person in our bed. This was even funny to me as I was 1/2 sleeping. Serious question. How on earth did he sleep through the commotion of the night up to this point?
5:30am: Kenton brings over Roman so I could feed him. I had to get out of the bed and get in on Kenton's side because Griffin was hogging my space.
5:45am: As quietly as humanly possible I returned Roman to his bedroom.
6:00am: Griff jolts himself out of his sleep and jumps up on all fours. He has no idea where he is and tries to jump out of the bed. I quietly said his name and calmed him. I was able to get him to lay with me for 20 minutes.
6:20am: Griff is now ready to start the day all bright eyed and bushy tailed! Me.... not so much! He sat up and said, "Mommy, up?" I said, "Go find your daddy."
Thanks to MiMi Kat and Big Pop I was able to sleep a bit longer before heading out to work.