Our little potato is now over 2 months old already! We brought him in for his 2 month well baby check up and he is weighing in at almost 15 lbs and is in the 97% for his age. Needless to say Roman is not missing too many meals. He is a bit of a Mommas boy and loves to hang out with me and eat every TWO hours. Funny thing, if he is NOT with me he will eat every 3-4 hours. Curious?!?! He is such a good baby and really just likes to be held. He is getting stronger every day and looks like such a big boy when he tries to hold up his head. Every day is getting a little easier for our family of 4. Griff now realizes that the little guy is here to stay and Roman is wise enough to keep a constant eye on his older brother.
I don't want to jinx it, but Roman slept through the night the past 2 nights. After 2+ months of interrupted sleep I can not tell you how good it feels to sleep through the night. Yes, it is all about the small victories in life!
I started work again last week. It was an easy transition considering that I was only as far away as my bedroom doing home study for a new job. We are blessed to have MiMi and Big Poppa as the "babysitters." Roman is enjoying spending a little one-on-one time with his grandparents while big brother is away at school. It is also very comforting for me to go back to work and know that my precious baby is in such good and loving hands.
Until next month,
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