And we wait...

It's a BOY!!

Roman in the nursery

Nothing sweeter...

Love at first sight.

Say what?!?

Everyone will have some adjusting to do.

A mother's love.

Griffin checking on Little Brother.

MiMi and her boys

Daddy all packed up and ready to head home!

Roman and Dr. C

You blessed Dr. M when he circumcised you!

Mommy and Roman leaving the hospital.

My dearest Roman,
You are now 3 weeks old. I have been meaning to write to you to tell you exactly how your life began once you entered this earth. Towards the end of my pregnancy I had a few ultra sounds done because Dr. C was concerned about your size. At 35-37 weeks you were measuring anywhere between 8-9.12 lbs. Because of this Dr. C brought me into the hospital on April 22 (38 weeks) to induce labor. 8 hours later with contractions all day 2 minutes apart I made the decision to return home with no baby. You would not drop into the birth canal and at that point I was not ready to surrender to a c-section so we went home to wait it out. Dr. C scheduled another induction on April 27. After several more hours with no progression we made the decision to go ahead and do a c-section to get you out. I truly believe if we had not made that decision you would still be chilling out in my tummy.
At 4:46pm on April 27, 2010 the world was blessed with your presence. My birthing experience was totally different this time around because of the surgery. Everything happened all of a sudden. Dr. C came in to give me the epidural and it all just happened from there. I remember being so cold in the operating room. After some time had passed I heard someone shout out, "It's a boy!" I'm not going to lie, I was stunned for a moment. A few seconds later I heard you cry VERY loudly. Shortly after they showed you to me for the first time. I remember thinking at that moment how absolutely perfect you are in my eyes. Moments later the anesthesiologist told me you are going to take a nap and I was out for the count so they would stitch me back up. From that point I woke up in the recovery room. Honestly, the entire experience is a bit of a blur, but have no fear Daddy captured the highlights on video. This is not the way that I envisioned welcoming you into the world, but is a life lesson that things do not always go according to "our" plans. We believe that you would not drop because of the size of your head. Dr. C checked his records and in his 30 plus years of delivering babies you have the 2nd largest HEAD that he has ever delivered. The largest head was attached to an 11 plus pound baby!
Once I was brought up to a room they finally brought you to me so I could hold you for the first time. As soon as you saw me your tiny mouth was open to eat. You latched on so easily and I am pleased to say that breast feeding has been a breeze with you. Somehow you just knew exactly what to do! We stayed in the hospital until Thursday afternoon.
Your brother came to meet you for the first time on Tuesday evening. We have the first encounter on video. Griffin ran into the room all smiles and giggles and you stopped him in his tracks. I am sure we will all get a good laugh at the video over the years. Each and every day the bond between you and your brother is building and I just know when you are a little bigger that the two of you will be the best of buddies!
Once home it took Mommy about 2 weeks to recovery from the surgery. It was kind of hard on me having to depend on others for just about everything. I have gotten a lot of help around the house and with Griffin. Daddy, MiMi, and Pop have helped out with Griffin in order for me to focus on you. Each day I am getting stronger. 3 weeks into it I am able to drive again and I am getting back into the swing of things.
You are such a blessing and the perfect addition to our family. I did not remember how many diapers a new born goes through! You are already spoiled rotten! You like to spend your days nestled in my neck and sleep on my chest. There is nothing like having your soft breath on my neck. You LOVE to be held. Every time you wake up you always think that you are starving! You are eating about every 2-4 hours and the nights have not been too bad. I just want you to know how much we all love you. Welcome to the world Baby Roman....