Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Griffin school award

Griffin brought home a note from school informing us that he would be receiving an award.
The note invited us to join him for lunch and the awards ceremony.

Griffin travels with quite a cheering section.
Mom, Dad, Cohen, MiMi and Pop all showed up to cheer on our guy! 
Perhaps a bit of over kill for preK4, but hey that's just how we roll.

He received an award for "answering when spoken to in complete sentences."
This acknowledgement was so extra special.
Griffin has been in speech therapy since 16 months old.
To receive an award in this area is such an honor.
We are so very proud of Griff!  
Keep up the awesome work Griffin!

DZ Easter Egg hung

We attended the annual DZ Easter egg hunt.
So much fun!

The boys not only hunted for eggs, but was also able to play with baby chickens (fine line between cute and not so cute) and baby bunnies, and also made a fun craft.

It was a beautiful day and was lovely to sit outside and enjoy the afternoon!

Griffin LOVES Easter egg hunts. 
Let's just say that Roman doesn't exactly have a "need for speed" and is fine with getting a single egg here and there.
(I love to watch them in action and see the way that their minds work!)

At one point I saw Cohen crowed by several college girls.  He was showing them all of his party tricks.  Of course his Daddy was beaming and said, "this kid isn't a one trick pony!"

Hey Ma! This thing is REAL!

Cohen and the coeds :)
Mommas and kiddos.
Good thing I was there to "up the boys count!"

Griff and his finds.

Spring time in the south.
Get outside and enjoy it!

Firestation Tour

Griffin's Godmother, Nona Courtney, is marrying Mr. Jason.
Mr. Jason is a fire fighter.

A while back Nona offered a fire station tour whenever we were in Baton Rouge.
We took them up on the offer.

The boys were able to check out the fire station.
Shoot the water hose.
Try on the uniforms. 
Touch every single thing some of the equipment on the truck.
AND look super cute while doing it! 

Thanks to Mr. Jason for being awesome and so generous with his time.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cohen Jacob~ 9 months

Dear Cohen,

Cohen, Cohen, Cohen.  My precious and spoiled rotten baby boy!  You are my rotten egg.  You are happiest when you are in my arms.  One slight problem?  You are HEAVY and give my left bicep an extreme workout.  You are loved and you are connected.  That is all that really matters!  

You have had a really big month!  I finally admitted to your daddy that your first word was "dada."  I am still working diligently for just one "mama."  Deep down I know that you love me. :)  You now clap all the time.  (and I so love it)  Your brothers love to fire you up.  They cheer you along with each and every milestone that you hit.  You LOVE music, singing, and dancing.  We now have daily dance parties.  You are so much fun!  

You were sick for the first time this past month.  You had a double ear infection accompanied with a cough and a snotty nose.  You were pretty down and out for a few days.  Just when I thought you were better you were hit with another round of ear infections.  I hate to see you sick, but I did enjoy the extra sweet snuggles.

You are still nursing well, but LOVE to eat food.  You pretty much enjoy anything that I make for you.  Your current favorites are banana, avocado, and pears.  You also really enjoy meat.  You eat as fast as we feed you and you barely make a mess.

Monthly Stats: 
6/13/12 birth weight- 9.2
7/12/12 1 month- 12.2
8/11/12 2 months- 14.8
9/14/12 3 months- 17
10/14/12 4 months- 18. 4
11/13/12 5 months- 19.4
12/14/12 6 months 21 
1/14/13 7 months 21.4
2/15/13 8 months 22
3/15/13 9 months 23

Even though you are spoiled rotten you are my sunshine.  I love your little personality.  I can not get enough of your eyes, dimple, teeth, and big ears.  One flash of the goofy grin and I am yours.  You are precious and you are so loved.  "You are a good boy and will do great things in this world."

All my love,

Oh how I adore this goofy grin.

Hey Ma, you don't really expect me to sit in the baby seat?

Comparison shot with giraffe.

Personality PLUS.
My little sunshine.

Griffin {5}

Dear Griffin,

My awesome, wild, quirky, smart, kind, and oh so cute boy.  You were the first to make me a "Mommy."  You entered this world at 36 weeks on your "own terms" and our lives have been changed for the better ever since!  Thanks for being my first.  The one who first shaped me into the Mommy that I am today.  You inspire me.  You challenge me.  You make me want to be a better person!

Of all of your qualities I am most impressed by your kindness.  You have such a kind heart and shine your light for all to see.  A few weeks ago after school you told me, "Mommy, Makai was crying because he didn't have anybody to walk with him to class.  So I hugged him, and walked with him."  I pray that you always keep this quality.  It will get you far in life.  The world can be a cruel and ugly place.  It needs more kind people just like you.

You have done amazing in preK4 this year.  You are READING!  We are so proud of you and your desire to learn.  You look forward to going to school every day.  We have a long school career ahead of us, I hope that you always enjoy school and learning.

You are a great big brother.  You constantly have 2 sets of little eyes following your every move.  Your baby brothers just adore you.  You love on them and annoy them just like a good big brother should.

I am so very proud of you.  I love having a front row seat to watch you become such a charming little boy.  You will be a world changer!  Keep living, keep loving, and keep dreaming big my love!
"You are a good boy and will do great things in this world."

All my love,
Mommy (your biggest fan)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Griffin's fire fighter party {5}

Griff's preK4 class visited the fire station last year.
He really enjoyed the visit.  I thought that a fire fighter party would be really fun!
I placed a few calls to our local fire station.
They were not as enthusiastic as my party idea.
(taking the kids over to the fire station for a tour followed by cake and ice cream at home)

So it goes.
I moved on to plan B.
Have the full party at home and include fire fighter games.
We lucked out!
We have a friend who was a volunteer fire fighter.
He agreed to come to the party, give a little fire safety talk, and let the kids try on his gear.

The day of the party the weather was not cooperating.
Every time I walked outside it started to sprinkle.
So we set everything up outside,
moved it inside the garage,
moved it back outside,
moved it back inside the garage,
moved it back outside,
and back into the garage which is where the party started.
{plan C}

It was slightly disappointing that my vision was not fully achieved, but we just rolled with it.

Here is our day in pictures:

The entry way with the invitation and party favors.

Vintage fire truck that I picked up at a thrift
store a couple years ago.
Use a little creative visualization here.
This was to be set up outside in front of our brick wall.
4 layer bavarian cream filled cake by Mom.
Our family with the birthday boy!

Family pic with MiMi and Poppa.

Griff trying on the fire truck.
Fire trucks ready to go.
Supply station.
Air tanks and fire hats.
Griff with fire fighter Tad.
Kids listing to fire man Tad.
Griffin in the gear.
Roman in the gear.
{cracks me up}

Next up?
The obstacle course.
Ladder climb and rescue a "monkey from a tree."
Put out the fire...
...and rescue your girl.
Roman's turn!
Noah rescuing the monkey.
Everyone waiting for their turn on the obstacle course.
Cake time!
(moved back outside)
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Griffin...
Happy birthday to you...
Make a wish and dream BIG my boy.
Griff and class mates.
5 years old.

After our guests left and we cleaned up it was time to open gifts.
{Roman kept asking when it was time to open our presents.}
Griff did a great job sharing his loot.
Roman claimed the John Deer.

Finally family cake time.

Looking forward to what {5} has in store for our big guy!