Enjoying the beautiful morning with Daddy.
Where do I even begin? To live a life and to have so much to be thankful for! Here is a shortened list that I thank God for everyday: the best husband, the joy that Griffin brings to us everyday, the upcoming arrival of our new baby, the unconditional love and support of our family, good health, and a job that provides.
Today we enjoyed Thanksgiving lunch with our little expanding family along with MiMi Kat, Big Poppa, and Tio John. The food was fabulous and it is always special to share a meal with those that you love. After lunch we attempted to take pictures for our Christmas card. Griffin was on the go so hopefully we have something that we can use. After a nice little nap we decorated the house for Christmas. Wow~ what a production! I love to have the house all decked out in its Christmas finest, but it is a lot of work! Thanks to MiMi Kat for helping out. The house looks beautiful. Griffin seems to enjoying the Christmas tree a little too much! Hopefully the newness wears off so we will actually have a few ornaments left on it by the time Santa arrives...