Hello Friends, It is with mixed emotions that I write Griffin's monthly update. It is hard to let my baby go, but I am so excited about the little man that he is turning into. He has what was described to me as a "gregarious" personality with an infectious laugh. We are truly blessed to have this little guy in our lives. Griffin has of course had many new "firsts" this past month~ the most significant would be daycare. Kenton and I dropped him off last Monday. I started crying well before I arrived at the door and all the way through the dropping off "rig-a-marole". He on the other hand was all too happy to be handed off to Ms. Kelly his teacher. I called several times to check in on him throughout the day. I was a little nervous to pick him up afraid that he was going to be mad at me. He was so excited to see me he could hardly stand it. Ms. Kelly told me that his favorite part of the day was lunch and that he had a pretty big appetite for a little guy. I also enjoy lunch so now I can say that he at least takes after me in ONE WAY. I feel really good about his care and I am at peace with our decision to enroll him in school~ what a relief. He has since been playing more independently at home and honestly grew up a little bit in the short time that he has attended school. We celebrated his first birthday last Saturday with a Circus party! Those of you who know me well know that I have been thinking about his first birthday party since he was born! We had a perfect day! Griffin was able to celebrate with his friends outside with beautiful weather. He played from beginning to end! Our little man LOVES a party and LOVES to play outside so it was an ideal situation for him! He enjoyed his cake more than you can imagine. By the time he was finished with that thing he looked like a little Smurf. I will send pics of the festivities soon. We have had an amazing year with Griffin. I am sad to see my baby growing up so quickly, but I am so excited to experience new things with him each step along the way. Thank God for blessing us with this little boy. We need him just as much as he needs us... love,Andrea